Love Me Do

 Jenny had always been a hopeless romantic. She dreamed of finding the perfect guy who would sweep her off her feet and make all her fairy tale dreams come true.

But so far, Jenny had only been disappointed. The guys she had dated had all been boring, or worse yet, downright rude. None of them seemed to understand her or appreciate her for who she was.

One day, Jenny met a guy named Tom. He was charming and witty, with a smile that could light up a room. He had a way of making her feel special, like she was the only girl in the world.

As they got to know each other, Jenny realized that Tom was everything she had ever wanted in a guy. He was kind and caring, with a heart full of love. He always made time for her, even when he was busy with work or other obligations.

Jenny started to fall for Tom, hard. She wanted him to know how she felt, but she was afraid of scaring him off. She didn't want to come on too strong or seem too needy.

One day, as they were walking in the park, Jenny mustered up the courage to tell Tom how she felt. She took a deep breath and said, "I love you, Tom. I really do."

Tom looked at her with surprise, but then he smiled and said, "I love you too, Jenny. I've been waiting for you to say that."

Jenny's heart soared. She had finally found the guy who loved her for who she was, and who wanted to be with her forever. They hugged and kissed, and it felt like the whole world was cheering them on.

From that day forward, Jenny and Tom were inseparable. They spent every moment they could together, laughing and talking and falling deeper in love. And Jenny knew that no matter what the future held, she would always love Tom, and he would always love her.

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